Hi, all!

If you wanted to know, Angel City FC founding investors Lindsey Vonn and PK Subban have ended their engagement. (What do you mean when you say they have other claims to fame?)

Ramble of the Day

Those who run the Leeds United Twitter account felt the need to, at the minimum, be a little bit petty after yesterday’s big win over West Brom. They shared a video of Karen Carney giving an opinion they disagree with during Amazon Prime Video Sport’s coverage of the game, a weird approach for a group of people that should just be celebrating.

What might be the reason for sharing something like this after a big win? It’s clear they disagreed with Carney’s opinion strongly, but a lot of people in the sports world feel their team is not respected enough. Whether or not that is true can only be determined on a team by team basis, and I have no reason to go into that now. Like I mentioned, it’s a petty way to go about things.

What might be achieved by sharing such a tweet?…

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