Small businesses that are already struggling to survive in the best of times, have been impacted by the pandemic, and now are being impacted by increasing crime rates.

Tim, who works with Cafe Elite, which has 22 drive-through coffee stands across the Puget Sound region, told The Dori Monson Show last week that there had been seven break-ins at their stands in three days, all by the same person.

“We were clearly being targeted, or at least it certainly felt that way,” Tim said. “They’re chasing cash. The problem is that we have 4K cameras on all of our stands, we can identify exactly who this person is — we were able to social media track them, figure out who they were — unfortunately, not much can be done about it.”

Tim says they have to remove the cash from the stands every night.

“They’re chasing the cash, and so we can’t drop that in the safe,” he said. “So now what they’re doing is they’re beating lockboxes off of our…

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