DENVER — Denver artist Shaunie Berry is giving several of her paintings away for free in exchange for small acts of kindness.

Berry, who has several works of arts displayed at Coffee at The Point in Denver’s Five Points neighborhood, says this is a part her “Pay it Forward” display.

“The portraits are all 4×7 canvases. So if you see one that you like, you’re welcome to take it. It is completely free, I just ask that you take one piece,” she said. “There’s an energetic exchange that I want you to participate in in order to take my art for free. So there’s just like a lot of different acts of kindness and just good deeds on each card.”

The acts of kindness cards are displayed underneath each canvas.

“For example, there’s one that says, ‘Call up a grandparent or an elder and tell them how much you appreciate them. Buy a coffee or some food for some someone on the street and just give it to them. Buy flowers, hand them out in public.’ Just things that make people feel good…

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