Take 5 is a meetup with a local entrepreneur.

It’s safe to say that there’s no shortage of coffee shops in Yakima, let alone Washington state.

After all, Starbucks started out in Seattle.

But Mark Shervey decided he wanted to go beyond opening just another coffee shop. MAK Daddy Coffee Roasters offers connoisseurs a place to enjoy coffee, including pour-overs, made from fresh, locally roasted coffee beans.

Shervey has been roasting coffee beans for three years, and MAK Daddy Coffee Roasters is in its second year operating a café and retail shop in the Cascade Apartments building, where he employs five people.

Originally from Seattle, Shervey, 54, and his wife, Teresa, have three daughters, Alyssa, Kayla and Megan, and five grandchildren.

What’s the origin story for MAK Daddy Coffee Roasters?

The business name is derived from the names of our daughters, Megan, Alyssa and Kayla. They make up the MAK.

The business idea grew from my love for coffee and…

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