Hey, everyone!

Let’s kick off the day with a fun fact.

Ramble of the Day

A little while ago, I found out about I Can See Your Voice, a new reality show where the objective is to guess if people are good or bad singers based on their lip-syncing ability and their social media feeds. The first I heard of it, the show seemed like it had no structure, and that’s why I decided to watch it. It turns out I was wrong about that.

It’s enjoyable enough as the celebrity detectives and the contestant make their best guesses at guessing if someone is bad at singing. They don’t bog you down with a lot of details, and I found it to be a great show to leave on in the background while my attention bounced to and from the television. That’s not because you don’t miss crucial details when you don’t pay attention, but for me it was in part because I didn’t care enough, and also in part because you don’t need to pay too…

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