Hi, all!

Let’s kick things off with very important information:

Ramble of the Day

For the most part, I have more often than not enjoyed what I sat down in a movie theater and seen. There have been a few terrible movies that stick out in my mind — Skyscraper, mainly — but I leave mostly satisfied, as do my fellow moviegoers. Still, a most memorable moviegoing experience for me was the one time I can remember someone walking out, which happened when I went to go see La La Land.

I didn’t like this film, though I won’t get into that today. It was about halfway through, and I had fully established that I didn’t like the movie, thinking how much I disliked every scene. When the film had hit a transition scene, one person exclaimed, “I can’t believe this is nominated for best picture!” and walked out. Then, one or two other people followed that person, and not very long after, another two also left. This wasn’t a packed screening, either — I’d guess that was…

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