Some like their coffee black, bitter and as strong as they can get it. Not a fan? No problem. Transforming that brew into a softer, sweeter, more dessert-like drink is just a splash away — in the form of coffee creamer.

In recent years, creamer options have literally exploded. There are creamers made from everything from dairy to grain to nuts. Flavors include vanilla, caramel, pumpkin, peppermint, snickerdoodle and even oatmeal cookie. For this feature, we landed on hazelnut flavored creamers.

The best hazelnut coffee creamers turn a simple cup of black coffee into creamy dessert-in-a-cup; a rich gulp that is like melted coffee ice cream, minus some of the sugar. To play well with coffee, creamer needs to be extra-rich, fresh, and must have a decent punch of natural flavor that lingers.

Sadly, many brands overshoot the goal, adding far too much sugar, or huge doses of artificial flavoring. Many rely on a host of fats and stabilizers that mess up the flavor. The worst are…

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